

With just three ingredients, this is a very simple cocktail to make but with the perfect amount of complexity. Sweet, rich, smooth, boozy and creamy! Imagine a White Russian but with a bit more depth and a little bit of the Caribbean mixed in. Perfect for after dinner in place of a dessert!

What do I need?

  • 50ml Dark Caribbean Rum

  • 50ml Grounded

  • 30ml Double Cream

  • Ice

  • Mixing Glass

  • Bar Spoon

  • Strainer

  • Whisk or Pouring Bottle

How to mix it up?

Add Grounded and Dark rum to a cocktail mixing glass with ice and stir for 20-30 seconds or until the desired dilution is there! Straining in to a chilled Nick & Nora glass. Add Double cream to a bowl or pouring bottle and whisk until it starts to thicken. Once thick, layer over the top of your drink, Garnish and Serve.

how to garnish, what do we need?

This cocktail doesn’t necessarily need a garnish but its great with a touch powdered chocolate sprinkled over the top!